
October 9, 2019


My home was not like everyone else’s. It wasn’t the type I imagined it would be.

Some days felt a little black & white. Not only colorless, bland, and dull – but also stark and clear cut. I spent 16 years as solo mom. After all these years, as I recall those days, the memories are still sometimes kinda black and white. .

Many years ago when I began to speak and write, I saw the memories saturated with rich colors again.
Now, I type words, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters to minister to other solo parents, one of the things I most love to share is how different our home looks now. The kids all made it! And so did I. God gets all the glory.

It doesn’t matter what TYPE of home I envisioned. God redeemed everything for His glory! He has made all things beautiful in our home. I have the type of home I am proud to say was once led by a Solo Mom who trusted God with the whole thing.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15

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