
January 10, 2017

Praying for a Spouse Day Ten

I’ve always admired someone who is confident.  Someone who is certain of what they believe or know can almost certainly convince someone else of their beliefs.

Hebrews 10:35-36 is the scripture reference for today’s prayer for my Husband.

But backing up to verse 32 was an important reminder for me, personally.  In former days in marriage, after becoming enlightened, a struggle may have occurred!  I have to giggle a little.  We all think/ hope/ believe/ dream things will be glorious and fluffy and topped with icing and sprinkles after the wedding.  Like the “I do” has some protective bubble that follows it.  It’s not always like that!  In fact, walking in the confidence of being certain of how much we love the other person will sometimes be the thing that keeps us hopeful and can begin to build unity.  Don’t ever lose that confidence!  In fact, trade those fluffy thoughts for the confidence – and for endurance!  There is a great reward.

Some key words in the prayer that really struck me were:

provision – life – hope – love – husband – his business – increase of confidence – will for his life – passion to fulfill Your purpose – experience growth – battle – work – friendships – family – strangers – courage – fight for justice – man undaunted – never allowing evil

In praying this prayer, I highlighted those words and meditated on one or two each hour and as I thought about my husband throughout the day.

Keep sharing your thoughts and let me know if you’d like to be a guest blogger to encourage others!  Even if you’re not reading the book, we welcome encouraging input!  I love hearing from solo moms, seasoned married couples, married again and single again friends who have a heart to share.  You ALL encourage me – and someone else is walking, seemingly alone, and needs your voice.

Keep Praying!

Thirty One Prayers for my Husband is available for purchase, as well as other tools for all of us!



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