#hushyourmouth Proverbs 31:26
I was recently asked for my notes on some things I shared at a conference regarding Proverbs 31:26 I returned to those notes seeing things again, almost as if it were the first time! I think it is so cool how God reveals Himself to us in the most ideal times!
So, here ya go!
A “Proverbs 31” Woman:
Guards her mouth (Proverbs 31:26):
Vs 26 (NLV) says, “When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.”
She doesn’t speak about EVERYTHING or on EVERY topic. She guards her mouth with diligence to ensure that what comes out of it speaks life, uplifts and is covered in wisdom.
WISDOM sometimes is silent, by the way. Wisdom pauses. Wisdom is key in speech. You cannot UN-Say something.
She is kind in her speech & careful with the words she chooses to use. This is a woman who is not spreading gossip or lies, or trying to advance herself by spouting her knowledge in some area, but knows the importance and impact of her words and in turn guards and filters her mouth. She doesn’t sheath a personal dig at someone with a “Bless her heart, did you know she….” or “We really should pray for her because….” She does not render verbal advice until asked, unless first prompted by the Holy Spirit and receiving confirmation.
Now, we take out all the “SHE” and “HER” words and substitute those with “I” or “ME” or “MY” and make it personal!
*** Freebie*** I always say a little duct tape goes a long way…in case self control isn’t working…because, sometimes, it doesn’t!
#canigetanamen #silenceisgolden #ducttapeissilver
For other verses on guarding your mouth see: Proverbs 21:23, Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 12:18, Titus 3:2
That is a LOT. I know… believe me.
But my Nana always said, “If you can’t think of something nice to say, THINK HARDER!” and “If you cannot be KIND, be QUIET.”
“Kindness on my lips will disarm the enemy on another’s lips.” – #BeholdHerLife #thebook #itscoming
#putacorkinit #nanaiswise #proverbs31 #bragadocious #knowitall #beentheresaidthatandcouldnttakeitback