Design your Day!

When every task, idea, list, and meeting are all floating around in my head, it can make me begin to feel anxious. Of course, the verse comes to mind – do not be anxious about anything – I know this one, all too well. It is a constant anthem in my head to keep my heart pumping.
Early in my life, I had someone suggest I journal my day – retrospectively. It was helpful for me to keep track of where I had been, what I had done, what I had accomplished and more throughout the day. Most days I looked back on contained a lot of “what if” and “should have” – but then, hind sight is 20/20!
That slowly became something I did at the end of the day with prayer, as well. I would journal my day and add the things I took to the Foot of The Throne of my Heavenly Daddy. As prayers were answered, I realized hind sight IS 20/20 – I could CLEARLY see God was hearing my prayers as I was praying His will and His word in situations.
As an older teen, I believe The Holy Spirit allowed me to see 20/20 for me in that area! I determined since looking at the day and sitting down to pray worked so well in retrospect, why would I not design my day to pray and slay from the start? Why would I not PROactively pray God’s will instead of REactively , operating in urgent promptings to begin praying AFTER something bad was already happening?
Now, I begin my days asking God how He would have me Design My Day. I make a mental note, a digital note, Alexa Calendar reminders and TaDa Lists at the beginning of the day. I jot down things I am interceding for in prayer and pray God’s will and His word over my life and situations I find myself concerned with (nope, not anxious!). And, at the end of the day, I can see retrospectively how being proactive has continued to crack the code of the “anxious & overwhelmed lock” the enemy had restrained me with for years!
Design your day. I will be linking to the scriptures & tools I personally make work for me to do that, below.
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Lord, I am up! Thank you for the rest you gave me and the energy that is coming for my day. I know there is much to do in your Kingdom today. I want to be part of that! Show me how to prioritize and execute the things YOU would have me do today. Multiply my time Lord, because you know how clocks make me crazy! Remind me that I am in control of my mind and will – I pray my thoughts are focused so I will be efficient at my work in my job and for YOU. Bring people across my path today who will model the woman of God YOU desire I continue to become. Though I have concerns about finances and child rearing, I trust you with all those things. Father, you are so generous! Thank you for loving me and for being patient with me. Thank you for giving me eyes to see my day as YOU are designing it. Amen.