
February 8, 2019

The Naked Marriage


435412: The Naked Marriage: Undressing the Truth about Sex, Intimacy and Lifelong Love The Naked Marriage: Undressing the Truth about Sex, Intimacy and Lifelong Love
By Dave Willis & Ashley Willis / XO Publishing

My Lovey and I attended an amazing Marriage Conference this year.

We bought this book, among other things.  I loved the energy and transparency this couple shared on stage.  They also have a podcast!  You’re going to want to check it out, too!

Wherever you are in your life journey, this book can be a very healthy way to address a lot of things regarding sex.  It can be quite a difficult subject!  I mean, I have just backspaced SEVERAL times before even typing the word. WHY IS THAT?

I urge you to get this book.  Click the image above to purchase!

Even if you are a single mom or single dad. This book can help prepare you or begin to heal you. I strongly recommend it.

There’s always more to the story.  Are we willing to find out what more there is?

Behold her life today – regardless of who the “her” is.



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