
Category: Writing


A Gift of Time

I don’t know why this has happened. I’m not even sure if it matters. My Nana taught me not to walk through my day worrying about the unknown. Rather, I should purpose to walk in what I KNOW. What I know in my head and heart is simple. This is

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Join Hope*Writers for $1

Now is the time to take Hope*Writers for a test drive! I love all the digital coaching that is available. But, I love the commUNITY more than that! If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog or wondered how to write an ebook, find out what stage of writing you’re

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Top 20 Questions Writers Ask

Welcome to the Behold Her Life Blog. I’m Melanie S. Medina – and I am a writer. When I began writing, I had a TON of questions and bad habit. I’m sure I still have some bad habits, but hope*writers has definitely helped me break many others. I’m sharing something

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You’re invited to a daily Instagram challenge! Join me for 7 days of prompts to help kick-start your writing habit in 2020. You don’t have to be a hope*writer – everyone is welcome to participate!    Share about your writing journey and what you’d like to accomplish this year.    How? Post photos on Instagram the

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